It's rained all morning--soaking soul-satisfying rain. It being my day off, I played some Norah Jones in the empty apartment and flung the front door ajar, until the humidity in the air wilted my hunger for fresh air. Now the sun glitters off raindrops everywhere, and I have sealed myself into the air conditioned apartment for the final two hour interim before my housemates return.
Halfway through July already. I realized this morning that the calendar on our living room wall thought it was mid-May...rather like myself, till that moment. Poor June barely had a second to see the world before I flipped to July and studied the dates in dismay. August and hell week and student orientation and junior year are on their way. And I'm not ready.
I hope that my stay at home will help reorient me. Meanwhile, I'm going to brew another pot of coffee, dig up a good book, and immerse myself in the tranquil, muddy waters of denial.
Presentiment--is that long Shadow--on the Lawn--
Indicative that Suns go down--
The Notice to the startled Grass
That Darkness--is about to pass--
[emily dickinson]
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