Saturday, December 02, 2017

The Smiling Host

Their feet are freshly scrubbed, and now
Their bellies will be filled--we know how
they feel, those quarrelsome disciples
gathered around the meal.

But what must it have signified to You,
Their humble host, on brink of sacrifice?
A foretaste of what You would win
Your view within the room that night.
To hold each foot, fouled and rough,
And make the reeking flesh come clean.
To watch them chew the broken loaf,
Their bushy beards amassing crumbs,
And cheer their spirits with the wine
That stained their wagging tongues.
The Love that animated Your travail
Must have rejoiced to see them eat their fill.

Now, having as well been purified,
I join my fractious family at Your board.
In remembrance of You we sip, divide
The loaf. Oh let me not be inattentive, Lord,
Nor abstract this full-bodied rite to empty rote.
I begin to see there is no better place
Than here, where by Your favor I am brought.
Here my clean soul can feast upon your grace.
Here I can feel my Savior's smiling face.

Thursday, January 12, 2017


The houseplant you sent home with me,
And called "easy" to keep alive,
Did not stay green.

It needed your plainspoken blend
Of active love and common sense.
Wisdom, I mean.

That was your way. You had the knack
Of calmly keeping things alive,
Mostly unseen

By those who flourished under it
Amidst your cakes and coffee mugs
And china clean.

We now see that, though it may be
A simple kind of daily grace,
It's not "easy."


The market on the eastern slope surveys A place in Minnesota that I love: Looks past the barns, past where the tire swing sways, And the far...