Thursday, April 26, 2007


Tonight is the last night that I will spend snuggle up cozily in my Hotel Prestige bed, with mosquitoes buzzing in my ear. Tonight is the final Thursday night dinner that Meridyth, Vouj, Felty, and I will spend fixing food and feasting upon it late into the evening in our spacious apartment. Today was the last day I trudged over to the Katolicka Jednota to our classroom for CHOW II and American Writers in Europe. Tomorrow will be my goodbye trip to Tete, Tesco, and the Building...because tomorrow at 3 am, my bus departs for the Bratislava airport, jetlag, and home.

I'm sitting here, having cranked out one full essay and researched and outlined another, listening to Shawn Mullins while Felty dissects some aromatic chicken breast on the burner. The sunshine is glowing through the shades in our window. Books and articles of clothing are scattered across the beds and tables, and our Billa trash bag gapes open from the handle of the interior door.

I'm going to miss it here.

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To Mom

Who would have thought, when years had passed,  and you had left this world for good, I'd find such comfort remembering the way it felt ...