Sunday, May 13, 2007

breakfast blend

It's Mother's Day!

I slept in this morning, brewed myself some Starbucks' Breakfast Blend coffee to sip along with my feast of "Melt in Your Mouth" Bisquick Pancakes. The sun continues to blaze outside, and the world is bright and golden and green. Lauren and Melanie still sleep in their respective bedrooms--so I settled at the kitchen table to type and listen to Kris Delmhorst's crooning ("So we'll go no more a'roving").

My plan for today is to get dressed, showered, and ready for church. This afternoon I want to go lay out at Highlands again, with another good book. After the evening service at Cornerstone, I will go for a jog in the twilight of Shadowland's field. It's been far too long since I've life feels so disordered yet that I allow the chaos to distract me from doing the things that will actually contribute to a sense of law and order in my life. Funny how I let my discipline slide when outside circumstances start to confuse or disorient me. I need to work on being unflappable. I just love that word. And currently, I'm just flapping and flailing around. It has its attractions, don't get me wrong, but I know that in the long run it will have only negative consequences.

Oh my soul, steer us to uncharted waters, hoist the anchor, shake out every sail.
My brave soul, if they're out of season, heaven why should we not go where all maps fail?
We've been waiting in our harbour
We will head for deeper waters
Farther, farther, farther, farther now...

(Is that Walt Whitman?) Because I like it.

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To Mom

Who would have thought, when years had passed,  and you had left this world for good, I'd find such comfort remembering the way it felt ...